September 5, 2024

They Open The Door Of The Plane After A Long Trip And 130 Cats And Dogs Run To Their New Parents

It is an immense joy to know that the dark destiny of some animals changed after being rescued from the streets where they tried to survive by searching the corners of the garbage for some food.

Many of these animals were victims of mistreatment and abandonment by those who should have been responsible for them and guarantee them a dignified and happy life.

This story brings us the happy ending of 130 cats and dogs that now have the possibility of knowing a home that fills them with love as they deserve it.

These animals were rescued by The Sato Project association, an organization dedicated to collecting abandoned and abused dogs in Puerto Rico.

Volunteers from The Sato Project organized the trip for these hundred cats and dogs, who boarded the plane for a long trip from the Puerto Rico airport to New Jersey to meet their new human parents.

Although the main objective of this association is to work to “achieve a long-term change on the island through community outreach and neutering, vaccination and microchip programs”, they are also in charge of finding families for the animals they rescue.

And, if they must travel to the United States, then they travel… and this has really been a flight full of many emotions.

This wonderful trip could be possible thanks to the collaboration of Wings of Rescue and Greater Good Charities, associations that joined forces so that everything went well.

Rescue centers not only removed many of these animals from the streets or crowded shelters in Puerto Rico, but also found adoptive families in New Jersey for most of the furry ones.

They also boarded some dogs from the “No Dog Left Behind” program, which brings together pets separated from their owners due to a natural disaster, something that is not always possible.

This great “rescue” changed the fate of 130 animals and freed the quota of the island’s shelters so that the staff could receive and care for other animals.

“Not all dogs get off the plane immediately ready to be petted and groomed, many times they need some help. Some have pooped after their long journey and need a clean-up.“

The Sato Project, which has told this beautiful story on its social networks, wanted to highlight the work of the volunteers, who are the true heroes of these animals, they have done everything possible to change the lives of hundreds of them.

“Regardless of their status, our volunteers give each one the love and care they need every step of the way.”

Travel is not always easy for animals and it is very important that they receive the necessary attention when they get off the plane.

The truth is that when the door of this plane opened a new life full of emotions, hopes and dreams fulfilled, awaited these 130 dogs and cats that deserved everything, except to suffer more.

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