September 14, 2024

12-Year-Old Boy Scout Uses His Skills To Rescue Lost Couple & Their 100 lb. Injured Dog On Trail

From time to time we all might wonder what we’d do if we ended up in a situation where other people are relying on us to be the hero.

More often than not, we imagine ourselves stepping up to the plate and doing what’s needed. Of course, that can sometimes be easier said that done – especially when circumstances dictate that we’re taken by surprise or perhaps not ready to be inserted into a high stakes situation.

Fortunately for one couple and their dog, stranded on a hike on the Waimano Trail, Honolulu, 12-year-old David King is a resourceful young man who’s prepared for any eventuality.

David and his mother were out hiking the Waimano Trail when they came across the aforesaid couple.

They had gotten themselves lost, and their situation could have easily taken a turn for the worse given that they had no food, no flashlight and no cellphone to use since their battery was dead.

Not only that, but to compound matters, their dog Smokey couldn’t go on. He wasn’t used to the terrain and was bleeding from his paws.

Credit / David King

Thanks to David and his training, however, the day was saved. The young boy was able to construct a stretcher using his t-shirt and branches from the nearby trees.

Reports state that he had recently learned how to make a stretcher in a troop first aid class with his Boy Scout group.

Between the four of them, they were then able to use the stretcher to carry Smokey to safety.

This sort of story reminds of the old days, when more importance was placed on the value of organizations such as the Boy Scouts.

I don’t know about you, but I for one am grateful that movements such as the Boy Scouts still continue to this day. I’m sure the couple in this story are as well!

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