October 8, 2024

Cops Rescue Lives Of six Puppies Found Tied Up In A Bag, Just In Time

Luke Howie and Liam Vernon, Durham Police officers, were traveling on March 18 on the A689 near Bishop Auckland when something strange got their attention!

It was a guy swinging a bag, and threw it on the front seat! So, they directly got out of the car to figure out what was wrong! While approaching the man’s car, they heard squealing coming from the sealed carrier bag the man was swinging!

So, they directly untied it to find 6 5-day-old cocker Spaniel pups! The puppies hadn’t even opened their eyes as they were too young! So, they started to question the man while arranging for the pups to be moved to a local veterinary clinic to be treated!

Thankfully, the puppies were all generally healthy, and it is expected to make full recovery. On the other hand, the man was arrested and taken onto custody on suspicion of trafficking a controlled drug, money laundering, and animal cruelty!

The police were even able to track the address of the man and found the father and mother of the pups. They were also taken to reunite with their pups, and will all be available for adoption once they are old enough.

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