It Was Indifference That Made His Life Decrease Little By Little: Hunger, Thirst, Cold And Pain.

I didn’t know how long he had lived like this. He was just skin and bones, extremely malnourished due to hunger. Many people were indifferent to his life, reducing it little by little through heat, hunger, thirst, cold, and pain. I knew I needed to rescue him from the miserable existence he was enduring.

Senna was feeling lonely and very hurt. His body and condition said it all. He had suffered for a long time, staggering in the street in weakness. I needed to find Senna a kind owner to restore his life. Senna had no teeth, and the only remaining molar was an inflamed mass that needed to be extracted urgently.

After recharging, Senna’s radius of motion was quite large, which was a good sign. Impressively, he even urinated on the toilet seat. I hoped Senna could sleep comfortably that night. Senna seemed to communicate his entire plight with his body. His level of malnutrition and weakness was high, and he didn’t react visually at first.

With love, rest, and care, I realized that Senna was able to see. Although he couldn’t see everything clearly yet, it was a huge step forward for him. We could make a difference in Senna’s life. The illnesses he encountered were the result of abandonment. Our puppy was still very fragile and listless after almost a month of treatment.

Despite everything, he always had the best attitude facing medical exams. He would never be alone because I would be with him every step of the way. I continued to work on his rehabilitation, but the process was not complete yet. There was hope in Senna’s eyes. I had never seen him so happy and cheerful as he was then.

Thanks to his laid-back and friendly personality, Senna was loved everywhere. I believed Senna would become a reliable companion. A difficult journey had ended, and an exciting new journey was waiting for him ahead.

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