On a cold, rainy day, I stumbled upon a heart-wrenching sight: a group of tiny puppies huddled together under a car, trying to shield themselves from the pouring rain. They were trembling, their little bodies soaked and cold, waiting desperately for their mother to return with food. As people walked by, they barely glanced in their direction, dismissing them as just another group of wild dogs. But I couldn’t ignore the pitiful sight before me. How could they walk past, indifferent to their suffering? It made me wonder—do these people have hearts?
The rain eventually stopped, but the cold still hung in the air. I couldn’t bear to leave them there, so I returned with food, hoping to give them a bit of comfort. Their fear was palpable—these puppies clearly had a history of neglect and abuse. I sat with them, offering reassurance, and waited patiently for their mother. It took a while, but eventually, a dog with sad eyes appeared, cautiously approaching. I realized this was their mother. She looked at me with suspicion, but I managed to coax her closer. Convincing her to stay was a challenge, but finally, I had the whole family together.
The next day, I took them to the vet clinic. The puppies were still terrified of humans, hiding in the corner of the examination room. We named them Seongkal, Haetal, and the mother, Banya. After a much-needed bath, they looked like entirely different creatures—clean, healthy, and ready to start their new lives. They were vaccinated and treated for their illnesses.
Seongkal, whom I later renamed Plum, was the first to find a forever home. Hyeonsik, the kind-hearted man who had rescued the family, adopted Plum, and under his care, Plum thrived. After treatment for multiple contagious diseases, he was in good health and happily settling in with his new family.
Banya, though physically healthy, was still shy and stressed from her past experiences. She was discharged from the clinic but needed time to adjust. Haetal, the other puppy, was suffering from advanced scabies and required more time in the hospital. But soon enough, both Banya and Haetal found their way to loving homes, where they could heal and feel safe.
In the end, these three souls—once abandoned and forgotten—found their place in the world, proving that with a little love and care, even the most broken lives can be restored.