Knowing He Was About To Die, The Seriously Ill Stray Dog Came To The Center To Ask For Help

Knowing He Was About To Die, The Seriously Ill Stray Dog Came To The Center To Ask For Help

A year ago, I met this dog waiting at our door. I was very surprised because this was the first time a dog proactively came to the rescue team to ask for help. His eyes looked at me as if to say: “I’ve been waiting for you for a long time.” The animal’s appearance was terrifying.

There are fleas all over the body, and the hair is completely gone. When I touched him, patches of peeling skin started falling off. The animal looked very miserable and uncomfortable.

Surprisingly, it turned out to be very friendly. Close your eyes and enjoy being caressed by me. Put your head in your hands and try to follow me. He is also very cooperative when on leash and whenever I touch him. But every time he picked it up, the dog started screaming. It seems like it’s scared and obsessed with hugs. To calm him down, I decided to lead him with a box of delicious food. Place the animal in a cage and take it to the hospital for examination.

After the injection, the dog was returned to the rescue team for care. Actually, his disease is not difficult to treat. Wish we had seen it sooner so he wouldn’t have had to suffer for so long. This adorable dog appears to love being held and cuddled. He is always with me all the time. To the point of making my other dogs jealous. A guy with a weak and vulnerable heart. I understand that he needs more and more special love than other animals.

Time passed so quickly, I don’t know when he completely became a close member of our family. And also transformed into a beautiful dog with silky black fur. Today is the one year anniversary of the day we met. We are baking special cakes to celebrate him. His face looks extremely excited and happy with his current life.

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