Weighing Less Than 2kg, The Dog Struggled To Fight The Disease, But Then…

Weighing Less Than 2kg, The Dog Struggled To Fight The Disease, But Then…

We have been in rescue work for many years and have helped hundreds of different animals. But a happy ending doesn’t always happen. This morning, we found a dog lying next to a trash can. He was incredibly thin, his body as thin as a piece of paper. There was nothing left of his body but skin and bones. The poor dog must have endured days of hunger and cold, almost exhausted and passed out. We rushed him to the nearest veterinary clinic.

Look at him, small, shaky, and weak. His fur was dirty and mostly fallen out, revealing a skinny body weighing less than 2 kilograms. He couldn’t even sit up, his body kept shaking. We petted and comforted him while the doctors treated him. He was inserted with a syringe and left to rest in a warm heating cage. I brought him some food, but despite his hunger, he couldn’t swallow it. He was too weak to receive nutrition by eating.

Our tears couldn’t stop falling when we saw his pitiful situation. The dog looked at me with deep and sad eyes. From deep inside, I wondered what he was thinking. Perhaps he was reminiscing about the days when he used to live happily with humans. “Try your best, we are always with you and will overcome difficulties together,” I whispered.

Sadly, the worst happened. After about 5 hours, he did not survive. The dog passed away as gently as a nap. It was one of the saddest days of my life. We gave him a simple funeral and prayed over him together. This world was too painful, so he chose to leave. Now he is in another world where there is no suffering, only eternal love.

May he rest in peace.

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