September 19, 2024

Forgotten Skinny Pit Bull Receives 1st Toy & Can’t Run Toward It Fast Enough

When a Pit Bull named Daenerys was finally found, she was barely able to stand. To say she was in a state of neglect is a vast understatement.

She sat in an abandoned apartment, all skin and bones, in a corner shaking from starvation and nervousness. Even though the poor dog had been severely mistreated, she still came up to her rescuer with her tail wagging.

She didn’t hold humankind responsible for what had been done to her and that says so much about her character.

Source: The Dodo Pittie Nation/YouTube

Tara stepped up to foster Daenerys and was totally taken aback by how sweet she was. When she came to Tara’s home, Daenerys was so weak and frail.

She laid on a big fluffy dog bed covered in blankets to keep her warm. But despite her trauma, she accepted Tara’s affection and love. She not only accepted it, but she also kissed her back. The dog was grateful to finally be safe.

Source: The Dodo Pittie Nation/YouTube

The Pittie’s new foster mom made sure Daenerys had pajamas to keep her skinny body as warm as possible. She knew getting Daenerys to a healthy state would require a lot of work but Tara was totally willing.

The first couple of days were the hardest. Daenerys was so weak that she couldn’t lift her head up. She just laid around and slept.

Source: The Dodo Pittie Nation/YouTube

It took a full five days until Daenerys was strong enough to walk around. Tara says, in the video below, that once Daenerys could stand and get around, her true personality began to show.

Tara introduced the pup to toys and everything changed! Daenerys fell in love with playtime. She used all the strength she had, which wasn’t much, to engage with her new toys. She likely never even had a toy before.

Source: The Dodo Pittie Nation/YouTube

Daenerys became an official toy addict. Tara couldn’t get enough of seeing her this happy and neither could Tara’s friends (who were big fans of Daenerys).

The cutest thing happened when a stuffed duck came in the mail and Tara called Daenerys over to “meet” it. The dog’s face is priceless. It was as if she won the lottery.

Source: The Dodo Pittie Nation/YouTube

What follows next in this wonderful story is too precious to miss. The sweet girl finally learns what it’s like to be a real dog living a happy life.

We are so sad that Daenerys had to go through such a horrific beginning but are so relieved that her life is forever changed thanks to her rescue and amazing human friends.

Thank you to The Dodo for covering this incredible story (which you can check out in the video below!)

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