September 19, 2024

Lady Whispered “I’ve Got You Now” To Puppy Thrown Onto Steaming Asphalt

We will never understand what goes through anyone’s mind that could harm an innocent animal.

Thankfully there are many Good Samaritans and animal rescuers that are happy to step in. Despite this puppy’s tragic start in life, due to an inhumane owner, she had kindness on her side.

The puppy was callously thrown out of a vehicle with a rope around her neck. She landed on hot asphalt that badly scalded her skin.

But even though she was scared and in pain, she was determined to fight to live. She wandered around looking for help.

Source: Animal Rescue, Victory’s Story/YouTube

A rescue group was called in when the puppy was spotted by a caring person. They raced over and the young puppy cried out in relief.

Her body was aching and the rescuers had no idea how they’d remove the tar without causing her further pain. The rescuers put the puppy in a box and headed over to get her help.

Source: Animal Rescue, Victory’s Story/YouTube

With medical supervision, the rescuers were able to remove some of the tar on her body. That’s when they saw how badly she was burned.

She was given an IV with fluids and pain medication, as well as antibiotics. They name the puppy Victory. Because her survival is victorious!

Once she was sedated, after some of the tar was removed, she was placed in a kennel to rest.

Source: Animal Rescue, Victory’s Story/YouTube

Victory’s condition was stable but her future was so uncertain. She also tested positive for a blood disease that needed immediate treatment as well.

With frequent bandage changes and a lot of TLC, Victory began to improve. Her spirit is so strong!

Source: Animal Rescue, Victory’s Story/YouTube

Within a week, Victory was sitting up and eating on her own. The best news follows next. The rescue group posted Victory’s story on social media and the police intervened.

They investigated the case and tracked down her owner. The police want to prosecute but cases like this one are very difficult.

They did, however, confiscate another puppy living on his property before any harm came to him as well.

Source: Animal Rescue, Victory’s Story/YouTube

Victory is going to make a full recovery and live a beautiful life. And hopefully, her disgusting excuse for an owner will be prosecuted to the fullest!

To see the full story, scroll down. Please keep in mind that some images may be upsetting so viewer discretion is advised.

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