September 19, 2024

Snarling Chihuahua Looked For Safe Spot With Only Man Who’d Give Him A Chance

Lee Asher is no ordinary man. He rescues hard to place dogs and fosters them. During their stay at his home, he works with the ones that are “unadoptable.”

When Lee heard about an aggressive Chihuahua named Kai that was languishing in the shelter, he drove over to meet him.

Kai had been growling and lashing out so much that he was even separated from his own brother after the two of them were found together on the street.

Lee reached his hand out to Kai while he was in his cage and surprisingly, Kai was somewhat acceptive. Even though he grumbled.

Source: The Dodo Ruff Life With Lee Asher/YouTube

The next step was to bring Kai home to meet Lee’s other dogs. 10 other dogs! He was hoping that his pack, along with his help, of course, Kai would learn how to keep his intimidating personality in check.

Most dogs that are labeled aggressive are the most fearful. Many of these dogs can be worked with and their behaviors can be changed.

Source: The Dodo Ruff Life With Lee Asher/YouTube

Kai entered his new foster home and met his new pack. Lee was careful to introduce them slowly but Kai still snarled a bit. He was very fearful and timid.

Lee wanted nothing more than to nurture Kai because he was so good with people, but he was too afraid to be anywhere near him and hid in his closet.

Source: The Dodo Ruff Life With Lee Asher/YouTube

Lee continued to love on Kai, even when he was hiding in the closet. He didn’t let Kai’s low grumbles scare him away.

He understood that Kai was afraid and would not attack. He spoke to him in the kindest voice and tried to reassure him as much as possible.

Source: The Dodo Ruff Life With Lee Asher/YouTube

Kai loved being carried around by Lee. Lee says in the video below that he liked to sit on him like a parrot. Lee also explains that he’s met so many dogs like Kai and they all just need time and patience and understanding. But most people can’t see past their seemingly aggressive nature. But Lee can!

Source: The Dodo Ruff Life With Lee Asher/YouTube

Like many other foster parents, Lee began to fall in love with Kai. He had to keep reminding himself that he’s just his foster dad and his purpose was to get him to a place where he can be happy in someone else’s home. But it’s hard not to get attached sometimes. Especially when there’s a strong connection.

Source: The Dodo Ruff Life With Lee Asher/YouTube

Just as we thought, Kai made tremendous progress. He would eat his meals with the pack surrounding him and didn’t get spooked or growl.

He just enjoyed his food. He even began to snuggle with his foster siblings. These milestones were a big win for Lee! And Kai!

Source: The Dodo Ruff Life With Lee Asher/YouTube

What happens next with Kai is simply amazing. Kai makes even more progress and then something changes completely. We won’t spoil it for you.

Check out the entire video story below by The Dodo. We are so grateful for people like Lee. Here’s to a happy life, Kai!

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