September 19, 2024

Paralyzed Pit Bull Ditched At Kill-Shelter To Be Euthanized Had Only 1 Wish

Our dogs are our family. If they are in need of medical attention, is our responsibility to make sure they have everything they need. But not all humans think this way.

One Pit Bull, named Romeo, was completely neglected by his family. He had some treatable health conditions but instead of getting him help, they did the unthinkable.

Romeo’s owners brought him to a kill shelter to be euthanized because he was paralyzed. A volunteer working at the shelter had overheard that his condition may be treatable.

She made some calls and thankfully AMA Animal Rescue was happy to step in. They picked up Romeo from the shelter and brought him to a special neurologist.

Source: AMA Animal Rescue/YouTube

The doctor explained that with diligent physical therapy, Romeo could likely walk again. Romeo was such a tough boy! He was also so good with everyone he met.

The rescue group raised enough money to get Romeo the treatment that he needed. After a few weeks, Romeo was walking again! It truly was a miracle.

Source: AMA Animal Rescue/YouTube

But then Romeo had a setback. His eyes continued to tear up and became quite uncomfortable.

The rescue group brought him to an eye specialist and he was diagnosed with Entropion, a condition where the eyelids are turned inward. Romeo needed surgery. As if this poor boy hadn’t been through enough!

Source: AMA Animal Rescue/YouTube

Again, the rescue group raised the money for Romeo and he had surgery. He did so well. The doctor was pleased with his progress and before long he was ready to go to a foster home. Even though Romeo was doing well, healthwise, he still longed for a family.

Source: AMA Animal Rescue/YouTube

Like many Pit Bulls, he was over-looked time and time again. Romeo wanted nothing more than to live his life with a family that accepted him.

He had been through so many challenges and had been rejected so many times. His one wish was to live happily ever after.

Source: AMA Animal Rescue/YouTube

To see if Romeo gets his wish, you have to check out the video below.

Thank you AMA Animal Rescue for stepping in and saving Romeo from euthanasia and making sure he received the best medical care. We are so grateful to animal rescuers! Aren’t you?

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