September 19, 2024

Homeless Dog Left On Frozen River For 4 Days Gets Attacked By Coyotes & Eagles

A 1-year-old homeless dog named Alfonso was stranded right in the middle of the partially frozen Detroit River along the US-Canada border.

Some locals in Ecorse, Michigan, spotted the matted dog floating away on an ice block with little life left in him. Alfonso was being hunted by coyotes and eagles, and the onlookers knew they had to get him help.

Source: Friends of the River Rouge Animal Shelter/Facebook | Click On Detroit/YouTube

For the next 4 days, animal lovers of the area ran a massive social media campaign to find help for the dog. However, it was too risky for anyone to venture into the freezing waters.

A large number of people stood by the river to keep a watch on Alfonso’s harrowing condition, which was deteriorating by the hour.

Finally, help arrived in the form of a man named Jude Mead from J&J Marine in Windsor, Ontario. As Jude stepped in to save Alfonso, it became a sacred international endeavor involving rescuers from both sides of the river!

Source: Friends of the River Rouge Animal Shelter/Facebook | Patricia Muccianti Odette/Facebook

Everyone cheered on in relief as Alfonso was finally rescued and brought to the shore, but his condition was very critical.

He was barely alive due to severe hypothermia, dehydration, pancreatitis and multiple frostbites on his paws and scrotum.

He was given emergency medical aid at Woodhaven Animal Hospital in Michigan, and then transferred to a hyperbaric chamber.

With IV fluids and antibiotics, Alfonso was thankfully out of the woods after some stressful days, and was placed under foster care.

The vets speculated that the thick layer of his matted fur possibly kept him alive in that hostile river atmosphere.

As Alfonso started recovering, many adoption applications began pouring in for him, including that of Jude, the man who scooped him out.

After consideration, the shelter staff knew Alfonso should start a new life with the man who saved it in the first place.

What followed was an extraordinary inter-border adoption aided by authorities as everything fell into place beautifully!

Source: Friends of the River Rouge Animal Shelter/Facebook

Alfonso has now been named “Miracle”, and he is living in bliss like a happy-go-lucky boy!

Miracle is an inspirational survivor with an indomitable spirit, and we are super stoked about his magical happy ending with his savior from another country!

Click the video below to watch Alfonso/Miracle’s mind-blowing rescue from the frozen river after 4 days.

h/t CTV NewsDetroit Free Press

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