September 19, 2024

Slaughterhouse Dog Always Tucked His Tail Between His Legs & Shivered Until He Met His Forever Family

Lavery the dog was found during investigations into a massive dog slaughterhouse in Cambodia. He was packed in a huge cage with several other dogs just waiting for their turn to be butchered.

Lavery was understandably nervous upon rescue, so he was transported to a foster home in San Diego for a fresh new start.

Lavery’s foster parents were dedicated to help him overcome his past traumas, but his emotional health was way too compromised by then.

He would tuck his tail between his legs all the time and shake uncontrollably every time he was touched. It was clear that getting Lavery to lose his fears would be a major uphill task.

Source: The Dodo/YouTube

Despite his rehabilitation struggles, Lavery’s parents grew hopeful whenever they saw his deep fondness for his foster doggie sister named Koda.

Lavery would literally spend all his time seeking Koda’s company and begging her to play with him. However, Koda was never a frisky dog. So she was never keen on entertaining his persistent playful ways.

Source: The Dodo/YouTube

Over the months, Lavery and Koda became friends and Lavery rediscovered his spark with the help of Koda and his foster parents.

His repressed fears would still surface from time to time, making him curl up like a terrified baby in his mom’s arms. But overall, he had become a pretty wholesome good boy!

Source: The Dodo/YouTube

This video follows Lavery’s journey toward healing and his precious union with his ultimate forever family!

The best part about his new family is their fluffy dog who is insanely compatible with Lavery in terms of energy and temperament.

What a perfect happy ending! We wish Lavery a life of utter bliss!

Click the video below to watch Lavery mending his scarred soul and finding his too-good-to-be-true happy ending!

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