September 20, 2024

Dog Goes Hungry For Weeks As Owner Dumps Her Outside A Remote Hotel And Leaves

The staff at a hotel in North Romania was appalled to find a dog abandoned at their doorstep in the brutal winter. The area was a remote mountain pass neighborhood bustling with tourists, and there was no way to figure out who left the poor creature behind.

The dog, later named Indy, was depressed and confused to find herself in the strange spot. For days, she isolated herself from everybody out of fear and slept on the snow.

The heartless hotel owner lost patience with her sulky gloomy face ruining the vibes of his swanky hotel, and he strictly forbade his staff from feeding her and kept chasing her away fearing that she would “scare the tourists away”.

Source: Howl Of A Dog/YouTube

Eventually, a tourist spotted Indy shivering and crying on the icy wet roads in minus temperatures. The man’s heart sank at her lowly plight and he began feeding her daily.

He even bought her a crate stuffed with warm blankets, and her welfare stabilized significantly. However, he knew she needed proper help from local rescue workers.

The tourist reached out to many rescue organizations operating in the country, but the chances of a rescue happening in the far-off mountains was quite dim. Thankfully, a rescue called “Howl Of A Dog” agreed to take Indy in.

Source: Howl Of A Dog/YouTube

The tourist spent the rest of his vacation as a rescue mission for Indy. The dog was very mistrustful due to her distressed mental state caused by the recent betrayal and hardships.

But the thoughtful tourist managed to get her in the crate. He then drove over 300 miles to hand her over to the rescue’s care.

Luckily, Indy was found to be free from any critical illnesses during her vet evaluation. Even so, she was extremely lost when it came to behaving like a pet.

She had no idea what toys meant, and her mannerisms were very restricted. Her rescuers speculated that she possibly lived a rough, unloved life with her ex-owner.

Source: Howl Of A Dog/YouTube

Being a polite and gentle girl, Indy gradually learned to open up and make friends at the shelter. She soon found her perfect forever home with a wonderful family in the United States.

She is now living the good life with her doggie sister, Minnie, and she knows it in her heart that she is a cherished pet who will never be discarded again!

Click the video below to watch Indy’s harrowing plight after she was mercilessly dumped outside the remote hotel.

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