September 19, 2024

Pup Poked Her Head Out From Tires And Man Cried At 1 Look Of Her Bony Body

World-renowned dog rescuer, Takis, has never turned an animal away. He makes it his mission to go to certain areas where people frequently abandon their pets.

It’s a cruel reality where Takis Shelter is located. People abandon their animals for all sorts of reasons but regardless, it is never acceptable. Dogs cannot fend for themselves, especially dogs that are used to being pets.

A beautiful Pointer was left all alone in a landfill. Takis had gone there to care for the pack of dogs that lives there when he suddenly saw her little face poke out from behind these huge truck tires. Takis got closer but it was obvious that the dog was afraid. She retreated back beneath the truck.

Source: Takis Shelter/YouTube

The poor dog was visibly shaken. She was used to being inside a home and now she was out in the elements with loud barking dogs and unfamiliar surroundings.

Takis called out to her. He desperately wanted to help her but every time he got close, she would retreat again. This time she went deeper beneath the truck.

Source: Takis Shelter/YouTube

This wasn’t going to be easy. The experienced rescuer then used his signature whistle and crouched down a bit so he appeared less threatening. When he got a bit closer, it seemed like the dog was in shock.

She must have been left here recently and had no idea how to respond! Takis put out his hand and begged for her to come out and come to him.

Source: Takis Shelter/YouTube

The scared dog finally came over and allowed Takis to touch her. It was a victory for sure! Takis decided to name the dog Luna. He asked one of the workers to help him bring Luna to his car.

When the man picked her up, it was then that Takis got the whole picture. This dog was significantly underweight and small.

She should have been at least twice this size. She had surely been malnourished and it made Takis’s blood boil!

Source: Takis Shelter/YouTube

Takis said to the worker, “Look at that! She is only skin and bones.” It was completely heartbreaking but now Luna was in good hands and inside Takis’s vehicle. It was time to get her home.

Takis couldn’t wait to feed Luna. He had no idea when she had her last meal. He was soon to find out that it had been a very long time. She ate and drank like crazy! The poor girl was starving.

Source: Takis Shelter/YouTube

As Luna settled in, she was able to show her true colors. Takis still can’t get over how happy she has become. Luna loves to get into puppy mischief and when she’s content with herself, oh boy, she loves to do those doggy zoomies! Watching her dart around warms everyone’s hearts right up!

Source: Takis Shelter/YouTube

Luna is still looking for her forever home. If you are interested or know someone who may be, you may reach out to Takis Shelter directly. Their email info is in the video below.

We are so grateful for Luna’s rescue. Without Takis, she wouldn’t have made it.

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