September 19, 2024

Hairless Dog Finds Shelter In Stranger’s Garage, She Curls Up To Keep Warm & Waits

A poor, helpless dog with severe mange sought refuge in the one safe place she could find– someone’s garage. She lay there, in a ball, to keep warm.

Without any fur to protect her skin or keep her body from being exposed to the elements, she needed aid immediately. Thankfully, the person who owned the home where the dog wandered into knew just who to call.

Source: Animal Aid Unlimited/YouTube

Animal Aid Unlimited came immediately. They had a warm blanket to cover her with. They also used it to catch her since she was so afraid. She likely hadn’t been touched with kindness all her life.

Source: Animal Aid Unlimited/YouTube

They named the beautiful soul, Talia.

Once they were able to transfer her to the medical center, she got a thorough exam. Amazingly, the skittish dog was perfectly calm when they checked her over. Was it possible that she understood that she was getting the help she needed? We think so!

Source: Animal Aid Unlimited/YouTube

The rescuers started Talia on a month-long mange treatment plan. Her eyes told such a story. Was she scared? Relieved? Likely a little of both. Next, it was time for her first of many medicated baths. She was such a trooper!

Source: Animal Aid Unlimited/YouTube

You could see every rib on Talia’s body but the rescuers knew that her malnourishment would soon be a thing of the past.

They worked hard to gain her trust. Speaking calmly and petting her went a long way with this brave gal. Each day she grew stronger and more comfortable with the gentle hands.

Source: Animal Aid Unlimited/YouTube

In a few weeks, Talia transformed into this:

Source: Animal Aid Unlimited/YouTube

A stunning beauty who wags her tail constantly! She absolutely loves her new human friends, especially when they give her kisses.

Source: Animal Aid Unlimited/YouTube

Isn’t she amazing?

Source: Animal Aid Unlimited/YouTube

Luckily Talia wandered into the right garage at the right time. Her life is now on the right track and her health is steadily improving. Next stop: a forever home!

Watch Talia’s video below and remember that rescue dogs aren’t broken, they just have a story to tell!

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