September 19, 2024

Abused Dog Had So Much Matted Fur They Couldn’t Tell How Big He Was Underneath

It was an excruciatingly hot day when the staffers at “Dog Rescue Shelter Mladenovac” received a call about a dog in dreadlocks.

The abandoned dog, later named Rasta, had a rope around his neck and was ailing in a lone corner of a park for days.

His body was burdened with layers and layers of dirty, flea-ridden matted fur that made things worse for him in the blistering heat.

The rescue dispatched a team to the park to retrieve Rasta. Upon arrival, they learned that the poor pooch was previously abused and tortured, which made him extremely fearful of humans.

The sight of the rescuers approaching caused Rasta to panic and he took off to avoid the unwanted company.

Source: Dog Rescue Shelter Mladenovac, Serbia/YouTube

The rescue team managed to corner Rasta, and that only agitated him further. He was growling and ready to bite out of fright, but the rescuers used treats and a bit of sneaky handwork to trick him into the crate.

They thought his seething rage would simmer down once he saw other dogs at the shelter, but that was hardly the case.

One of the experienced shelter workers named Milan tried to gain Rasta’s trust, but the distressed dog bared all his teeth and barked ferociously to scare him off.

The workers eventually had to sedate him to examine his health, and clean up his thick and stiff dreadlocks and the compromised skin underneath.

Source: Dog Rescue Shelter Mladenovac, Serbia/YouTube

An expert team of 2 vets and 5 technicians coordinated to fix Rasta’s fur while he was tranquilized.

They chopped off the miserably entangled fur, removed the external parasites and performed a neutering surgery in one hour – making sure Rasta was blissfully transformed by the time he opened his eyes!

While Rasta’s makeover was a grand success, his health evaluation revealed several medical issues. He had blood anaplasm and needed a long and intense treatment regime for recovery.

The shelter used this prolonged healing time judiciously and began various trust-building exercises for him.

Source: Dog Rescue Shelter Mladenovac, Serbia/YouTube

By the time Rasta made a proper recovery, he was transformed body and soul – in the truest sense of the term! His jubilant smiles toward the end of this video made us so proud of his progress.

Any family would be privileged to have such a bright and beautiful boy as a companion!

Click the video below to watch Rasta’s heart-touching rescue and his uplifting transformation at the shelter!

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