September 19, 2024

Ice rink fulfills dying dog’s final wish to see snow one last time

When a dog gets older and starts to slow down, it can be hard to realize they might not have much more time left — but that’s all the more reason to make their twilight years as great as possible.

Many pet owners even make a “bucket list” for their old dogs, making sure they get to enjoy life to the fullest before they pass. And recently, one sweet dog got her final wish to play in the snow one last time, thanks to some kind strangers.

Marianna Wilson and Elijah Saltzgaber, from Utah, loved their dog Maggie — and when the 11-year-old dog was diagnosed with cancer in July, they faced the sad reality that their dog might not be around much longer.

Facebook/Salt Lake County Parks and Recreation

But to make Maggie’s final days as wonderful as possible, they made a bucket list of fun activities for her: “We made the decision to take her camping and paddleboarding to get her blissfully tired,” Marianna told FOX 13.

While Maggie got to enjoy some fun summer activities, the owners were saddened that the dog would likely never get to see another winter, her favorite season.

Maggie especially loved to play in the snow — and getting one last snow day was the final item on her bucket list. But while it seemed impossible, the owners set out to make it happen.

Facebook/Salt Lake County Parks and Recreation

While it was unlikely to snow anytime soon, they searched for other solutions. They put out a request on Facebook asking if anyone had a shaved ice machine they could use.

They had a breakthrough when one person suggested a skating rink, as shavings from the ice could be used to create a pile of snow.

They contacted Salt Lake County Ice Center, and they were happy to help make the old dog’s dream come true.

Facebook/Salt Lake County Parks and Recreation

The staff shaved ice from the rink with a zamboni, and even packed and transported it to the family’s home so Maggie could play with it in her backyard over the weekend.

They even put a special sign on the makeshift snowbank, declaring it “MAGGIE’S SNOW.”

According to a Facebook post from Salt Lake County Parks and Recreation, Maggie “enjoyed it with her family,” and photos show the dog happily laying on the snow.

Facebook/Salt Lake County Parks and Recreation

According to the post, Maggie has since passed away. Thanks to this sweet act of kindness, she got to fulfill everything on her bucket list, even though she didn’t live to see another winter.

“Sending our love and condolences to Maggie’s family,” Salt Lake County Parks and Recreation wrote. “We appreciate the unique privilege of providing her a little heaven on earth.”

And Maggie’s owners are happy their dog made so many people happy in her final days as well.

“To see people from all walks of life come together for our dog, it’s amazing,” Marianna told FOX 13. “She touched us, and now she gets to touch so many other people. That’s the best way for her memory to live on.”

Facebook/Salt Lake County Parks and Recreation

It’s never easy to lose a pet, but we’re so glad that Maggie got to live life to the fullest in her final days, and got to have one last “snow day” thanks to these kind strangers.

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