September 19, 2024

13-Year-Old Toothless Chihuahua Becomes Comfort Dog To Scared Dental Patients

Dentists often get a bad rap and very few people can say they look forward to dental visits for fillings, root canals, and cleanings. Dr. Cameron Garrett of Corte Madera decided to do something to help ease the nerves of his patients who aren’t fond of dental visits. Dr. Garrett and his wife Debra, a dental hygienist, adopted a 13-year-old toothless Chihuahua this summer.

Source: Corte Madera Family Dentistry – Dr. Cameron Garrett/Facebook

“Everybody brings some anxiety or baggage into the dental environment, and the science is very clear,” Dr. Garrett told CNN. “Interacting with an animal, having physical contact with a pet really lowers the blood pressure and heart rate and makes it a much calmer moment.”‘

The dog is named Kismet and she was found as a stray by Muttville Senior Dog Rescue. The group invested thousands of dollars into the pup, whom they believe was a victim of abuse. Poor Kismet was diagnosed with heart disease, had a cancerous tumor removed, all of her teeth extracted, and a hernia. These days, she is a ray of sunshine at the dental office for nervous patients.

Source: Corte Madera Family Dentistry – Dr. Cameron Garrett/Facebook

If someone happens to visit the office and has a fear of dogs, little Kismet stays in her kennel. Most nervous patients appreciate her love and support and welcome her comfort with open arms. Kismet isn’t the first comfort dog the couple has used in their practice. Five years ago, they adopted a dog named Karma, whom they called their “dental dog” at the office. Since she passed away, it was time for another dog to steal their hearts and help worried clients.

Source: Corte Madera Family Dentistry – Dr. Cameron Garrett/Facebook

I Love My Dog reminds our readers to reach out to your local shelter or pet rescue groups if you are interested in bringing a dog into your life. There are millions of awesome dogs like Kismet waiting for their forever homes who are just a mouse click away.


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