September 20, 2024

Owner Took 20 Years Old Paralyzed Dog Swimming Until He Fell Asleep In His Arms

As we have seen from many stories on the internet, the unconditional love for dogs is powerful. A lovely senior dog, adopted at 8 months of age turned 20 years old.

John Unger from Wisconsin, USA, took care of a stray dog named Schoep. He was very old and showed no signs of getting better. Its owner, Ungus, was preparing for the inevitable.

John and Shop have lived together for 19 years. Unger recently learned that his dog was suffering from severe arthritis, which made him paralyzed.

He was devastated when the veterinarian advised him to put the dog to sleep, but John instead refused and decided to help ease Schoep’s pain.

John took care of the lovely dog with all his might during the last years of his life, took care of him, held on to him and didn’t want to leave him. John was by his side all the time.

Unger even started swimming with the dog to relieve joint pain. Swimming in the water helps Schoep reduce stress on his joints and muscles.

The dog was so calm that it sometimes fell asleep at the hands of the owner. A moving picture of John and his dog Schoep, taken by John’s friend Hannah shows it all.

“Every time he went into the water, he didn’t swim, he just wanted to grab my shoulder and hug me with his foot,” Unger recalled. “One day, he even suddenly fell asleep. Unfortunately, Schoep has already passed away. The dog was in a difficult time when John met him. However, the dog never missed the care of the owner.”

John promised to take good care of him and treat him well, and he did so. Even through these difficult times, John continued to care for him and tried to keep him alive, insisting that he should always follow him in the most enjoyable moments of his life.

Let us know your thoughts on this warm friendship story and pray for Schoep in Heaven.

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