September 19, 2024

Mom Tells Son They Can Only Adopt Puppy If A Million People Convince Her She Should

19-year-old Ryan Sesselman attended a local pet adoption event. He wasn’t prepared for what happened next– Ryan fell madly in love with a puppy and knew she was meant to be part of his family. The only problem was his mom was NOT on board.

Ryan Sesselman/Twitter

You see, the family already has two other dogs. Adding a third wasn’t so simple. And like all pet adoptions, this was to be taken very seriously.

Ryan then sent his mom this text:

Ryan Sesselman/Twitter

No one in their right mind would think that Ryan could get a million retweets. He’s just an average guy, not a celebrity, with only 200 Twitter followers. The chances of him getting that many retweets, well… He may as well forget about that puppy 🙁

However, Ryan was willing to take his chances. He gave it a shot and posted his tweet that afternoon.

Ryan Sesselman/Twitter

Ryan told The Dodo: “I posted it that afternoon, and when I woke up the next day I had 222 retweets and was impressed. The entire day my friends and I who went and saw her yesterday were just watching the retweets go up and up and up.”

“I woke up the next day and it had 149,000 retweets, which I couldn’t believe. It was unreal to me that 149,000 people retweeted it, and then it just spread so much faster after that. In four days I got one million retweets, making it the 10th most-retweeted tweet of all time.”

Ryan Sesselman/Twitter

Yea, both Ryan, and his mom were pretty shocked too!

True to her word, Ryan’s mom went with him to meet the puppy. And just as Ryan suspected, she too couldn’t resist her charms.

“The second she saw her, she fell in love,” Sesselman said. “We filled out the adoption forms and everything that was needed to bring her home with us that day.”

Ryan Sesselman/Twitter

Ryan fittingly named their new puppy “Milli.”

Milli is now home, enjoying life with her new family.

Ryan Sesselman/Twitter

Pet adoption should never be taken lightly. For Ryan’s mom, she needed the nudge of a million strangers but she would have never gone along with Ryan’s “mission” if she wasn’t slightly open to the possibility– Albeit a remote, record-breaking possibility.

Milli now has a forever home and a loving family which makes her the biggest winner of all!

Ryan Sesselman/Twitter

“Anything is possible, honestly,” Ryan said. “It’s truly incredible how well this turned out. Milli is the cutest little puppy and makes us all so happy.”

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