September 19, 2024

Stray Dog Shows Up Every Night To A Subway Sandwich Shop For Her Free Meal

We all hope that every animal can find a loving forever home, but the reality is that there are many stray cats and dogs surviving on their own.

But some of these pets get by through the kindness of helpful strangers, who help give them food and shelter. And one stray dog knows exactly where to go for her dinner, becoming a beloved regular at one fast food place.

A TikTok user named Gio, from Mexico, introduced the world to “Subway Sally,” a stray dog who shows up every night to the Subway sandwich shop he works at, looking for a bite to eat.


And the employees are happy to oblige. “We always feed her,” Gio writes in TikTok video.

He makes Sally a plate of cold cut turkey and bacon, which the hungry dog happily gobbles up.

It’s a nice thing to do for a hungry dog, but sometimes you just gotta keep your loyal customers satisfied—Gio says that if they take too long to feed Sally, she’ll head next door to Taco Bell.

The video went viral on TikTok, and currently has over 3 million views.

The viral success led many people to ask about Sally. Some people pointed out that Sally seemed too well-groomed to be a stray.

In a follow-up video, Gio feeds Sally again and reaffirms that she is, in fact, a stray, she just looks nice because the “flower lady next door” likes to groom her.

He also explained that he hasn’t taken the dog to a shelter because the nearest one is 20 miles away, and that it’s a high-kill shelter.


Others have asked why Gio doesn’t adopt the dog himself. He explained that he can’t take care of the dog himself because he already has five cats, and that it’s hard to find someone who can because it’s a low-income area.

“There are a lot of strays in our town,” Gio said in a third video. “I live in a very poor town. More often than not, people can’t pay for pet food.”

And it doesn’t seem like Sally is looking to be taken in, either: “Multiple people have tried taking her but she never wants to go,” Gio wrote in a comment. “I suspect she has a regular place to sleep and possibly care for her puppies.”

But it’s at least inspiring to see people do whatever they can to care for their local strays.

“My coworkers and I are still going to feed her, don’t worry about that,” Gio said.

Thank you to Gio and his coworkers for making sure this poor dog doesn’t go hungry! Share this inspiring story!

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