September 19, 2024

Woman wakes up to 90-pound dog snuggling with her in bed, only it’s not her pup

Snuggling with your pup as you sleep sounds like an absolute dream, right?

But what if that pup wasn’t actually yours, and you had no clue how it got in your house? Say what?!

One Tennessee woman recently woke up to quite the surprise when she found herself sleeping in her own bed yet cuddling with a stranger’s dog.

Julie Thornton Johnson shared the unbelievable story along with some photos on Facebook.

“It is absolutely normal to wake up in our house with one of OUR dogs in the bed with us,” she wrote. “One small problem, THIS IS NOT OUR DOG, nor do we know how she got in our house.”

On May 1, when Julie and her husband Jimmy woke up a 90-pound pitbull Labrador mix was sleeping in between them.

“We both kind of rolled over and looked at each other and there’s a 90-pound dog in between us that doesn’t belong to us,” Julie told McClatchy News.

At first they were frightened because a dog doesn’t just walk into a stranger’s home and get in bed. Plus, the couple has three dogs of their own, and they didn’t seem to react.

But then they realized they probably didn’t have anything to be afraid of.

“My husband just moved the blankets a little bit and she just snuggled right into him like she belonged to him.”

Less than two miles away Felecia Johnson, who is not related to Julie, had just arrived at her parents’ house. That’s when she learned that unfortunately her and her girlfriend’s dog Nala had slipped out of her collar last night.

While Felecia wondered where Nala ran off, Julie was on the hunt for the mystery dog’s owner.

“This is the weirdest post I have ever had to make,” Julie wrote on Facebook. “Is this your dog?”

Thankfully it wasn’t long before Felecia was alerted to the bizarre Facebook post and reached out to Julie.

The two connected and Felecia made the short drive to Julie’s home to pick up her dog. But there was one problem.

Nala didn’t want to leave.

“When she came to get the dog, Nala wouldn’t get out of bed,” Julie said.

“I was like, ‘Nala, what are you doing?’ and she just kind of starts tapping her tail like, ‘Uh-oh,’” Felecia recalled.

Both couples hope to get their dogs together for a puppy play date in the near future.

As for the insanity of their viral story, Felecia said she’s glad it’s gives people something to laugh about.

“It’s a good laugh. That’s what a lot of people need right now is a mental break from everything going on.”

Thankfully Nala was able to find a cozy place to sleep after she slipped out of her collar the night before. What a story!

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