September 19, 2024

Lost dog reunites with family after five years as a stray

It’s always heartbreaking when a pet goes missing. You do everything you can to track them down and bring them home… but after a certain point, you have to accept that you’re pet may be gone for good.

But sometimes, miracles happen. That’s what one family learned, after they were shocked to discover their missing dog had been found… after five years!

On August 16, a stray dog named Zoey was brought to Guilford County Animal Services. They discovered the dog had a microchip, indicating she was someone’s pet. Unfortunately, the chip was unregistered.

Trying to find the dog’s family, the animal service made some calls and tracked down the clinic who placed the chip. Luckily, they recognized the dog and were able to provide the name of the owner.

But to the surprise of everyone involved, this wasn’t a case of a dog getting out of the backyard and being returned easily. Zoey had been missing for five whole years, and in a remarkable twist of fate was finally going home.

Photos posted by Guilford County show the long-gone dog happily being greeted by her old family. She is petted by their daughter, who would’ve been a young child the last time she saw the dog.

The department says the girl “just couldn’t wait for her to come through the door so she could give her a hug.”

It’s a miraculous story… but one that also reiterates the importance of microchipping, an affordable, permanent guarantee that a missing dog will be able to be identified and returned.

Guilford County Animal Services took the opportunity to remind people that they can get their animals chipped for just $10. “This is the best way to ensure that if you and your pet become separated, your chance at a happy reunion can have this same result!”

For this family, it was a very happy ending—Zoey is home, and they have a lot of catching up to do. Who knows what the dog has been up to in five years?

“Happy Tails Zoey and family! We could not be happier for you all!”

It’s a remarkable story with an important lesson about microchipping your dogs.

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