September 19, 2024

Over 4000 Beagles Were Saved From A Medical Facility, And Now They Desperately Needed New Homes

Sad to think that some businesses still consider animal testing necessary in this day and age, and some even go so far as to conduct it illegally so as to avoid negative publicity.

The majority of these animals endure abhorrent and brutal treatment while businesses profit greatly from them.

Sadly, this day’s tale is one of those, but happily, it had a happier conclusion than most of them. Lately, the U.S. The Humane Society of the United States and its shelter partners received a request from the Department of Justice to remove over 4,000 beagles from a breeding facility that supplied animal testing laboratories.

Envigo even went so far as to choose animal euthanasia over providing the canines with medical care for treatable diseases.

The food that nursing mother beagles did receive was contaminated with mold, maggots, and other problems.

The Humane Society of the United States made a call to its partners in the midst of this in an effort to find the dogs new homes.

This week alone, over 400 canines were saved, and they now need homes and rehabilitation.

“We don’t know what condition these poor pups will arrive in, but we want to make sure that we give them every possible chance at living happy healthy lives,” a Facebook post said.

In an effort to assist the dogs as quickly as possible, donations are now being solicited.

The Humane Society of West Michigan is currently working to rescue, treat medically, and move the canines while also hosting a fundraiser.

Veterinarians, volunteers, and drivers are needed for the procedure’s massive endeavor.

This fundraising will assist in meeting the future behavioral and medical requirements of these canines as well as those of similar rescue organizations.

For these puppies, who are now receiving the love and care they have long deserved, any amount provided would make a significant impact.

If you’d love to hear more about the process of adopting one of the pups, then make sure to check out this video below:

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