September 5, 2024

Gino, 22-year-old rescue dog, officially named oldest dog in the world — congratulations

Dogs sadly don’t live as long as humans do, but some lucky dogs are blessed with good long lives: some even reach the rare milestone of reaching their 20s.

And some elderly dogs even achieve a rare milestone: being named the oldest dog in the world. Recently, the title has been held by dogs like Pebbles and TobyKeith.

But now, a new super-senior pooch has taken the title: Gino, a 22-year-old rescue dog, has been officially named the world’s oldest living dog.

Gino, a Chihuahua and Eskimo mix, was born on September 24, 2000. He was confirmed as the oldest living dog by Guinness World Records on November 15.

His owner, Alex Wolf of California, adopted Gino two decades ago when he was still a college student at University of Colorado Boulder, according to Today.

Alex adopted Gino from the Humane Society of Boulder Valley, where the then-two-year-old dog was called “Pee Wee.” Alex says he originally intended to get a bigger dog, but he and his roommates were won over by the 16-pound Chihuahua mix.

Gino fit in well with the house of college students: “If we were having a later night, he would stay up, and if I was sleeping in, he would sleep in,” Alex recalled to Today. “He was one of the guys.”

After finishing college, Alex took Gino home to California. To his amazement, Gino is still going strong years and years later.

“I’ve taken great care of him over the years and he is still in relatively very good shape… and really cute still which is surprising considering his age!” Alex told Guinness World Records.

Alex knew he had an unusually old dog — but it was only recently that he realized Gino could be a verified record-holder.

The title of oldest living dog has changed paws quite a lot lately: a 21-year-old Chihuahua named TobyKeith set the record in April, only to be unseated by an even older dog, 22-year-old Pebbles.

But after Pebbles passed away last month, TobyKeith reclaimed the title — until Alex realized he could prove Gino was even older.

“I called the Humane Society and I wanted to find out what they had on record from Gino’s adoption and they actually did have us on record, which was surprising to me,” Alex told KABC.

With the record secure, Gino will continue to live a life of luxury and embrace his status as a doggy celebrity.

“We take him on wagon walks around the neighborhood, we take him on car rides here and there,” Alex said. “When we have the fireplace going, we set up his bed in front of the fireplace. It’s a life of luxury.”

Alex told Today that having an older than usual dog has taught him a lesson about adopting a dog is a long-term but worthwhile commitment.

“You’ve got to be there for the long haul, no matter how long it is,” he said. “That’s the responsibility you take on — and it’s 1000% worth it.”

And he hopes that Gino’s story, from the shelter to the records books, inspires more people to adopt rescue dogs: “That would be a very nice and fitting legacy for him to leave the world with,” Alex said.

Congratulations to this beautiful rescue dog Gino on being named the world’s oldest living dog! Wishing him further good health and even more years to come.

Please share this story and congratulate Gino on this incredible achievement!

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