September 19, 2024

Man sees dogs trapped in bags being sold for meat – acts quickly to save one from horrific death

Despite the hard work of animal groups around the world, dogs are still sold for meat in China.

China is the world’s largest consumer of dog meat, with 10 to 20 million dogs killed for consumption each year.

Xingyi Danielle, who lives in Singapore, was visiting her dad in China when she was met with a horrific site.

A group of men were selling live dogs wrapped in bags for meat. Xingyi’s dad knew he couldn’t ignore the sickening sight, and so acted to save one of those poor creatures from a gruesome, cruel death.

Xingyi’s dad didn’t hesitate to save one of the dogs and paid $90 to free it.

His apartment doesn’t allow dogs so the fact that he stopped to save one with no idea what he was going to do with it, is commendable.

“I was quite proud, to be honest,” Xingyi said of her father, according to The Dodo.

dog sold for meatdog sold for meat
Xingyi Danielle

Xingyi was so shocked that these dogs were just put in bags as if they were a piece of meat, she had to take a picture and share it on Twitter.

dog sold for meatdog sold for meat
Xingyi Danielle

The dog was named Doggo and is currently living in Xingyi’s dad’s office.

He’s creating quite a mess so they’re both working hard to find him a more permanent home.

“My dad’s colleagues are complaining about the mess Doggo is making, but he’s still trying his best to provide a good environment for him,” said Xingyi.

dog sold for meatdog sold for meat
Xingyi Danielle

Most people in China do not eat dog meat, yet millions of dogs are still cruelly treated and killed for meat. It’s thought that every year up to 15,000 dogs are consumed at the infamous Lychee and Dog Meat Festival.

At least Doggo is happy and grateful to his owners that he is now free.

dog sold for meatdog sold for meat
Xingyi Danielle

Please share to pay tribute to a man who couldn’t ignore an animal in need.

We need more people in the world like Xingyi’s dad and this barbaric practice needs to stop!

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