The Face of a Stray Dog Swollen Like a Balloon: Not a Tumor, but a Snake Bite

One day, on the way to a camping trip, a young woman and her boyfriend encountered a tiny stray puppy. Its face was alarmingly swollen, resembling a ball. At first glance, it seemed like the puppy had a tumor. Concerned yet unsure, the young woman decided to act.

She gently carried the puppy back to their car and offered it some water. The puppy was hesitant and scared, its eyes darting nervously at the unfamiliar faces. For a while, the young woman debated what to do. Finally, compassion won over uncertainty, and she resolved to take the little one to a vet.

At the clinic, the vet suspected the puppy had been bitten by a snake, causing the severe swelling. The vet recommended a course of injections over several days to reduce the inflammation. Despite being just two or three months old, the puppy endured the pain bravely, with silent tears glistening in its eyes. It must have been missing its mother deeply during those difficult moments.

The next day brought hope. The swelling on the puppy’s face had gone down significantly, though its chin was still visibly swollen. It started showing more energy, curiously exploring its new surroundings. Slowly but surely, the little one began to adjust to its new environment, wandering around with growing confidence.

On the third day, the young woman took the puppy back to the vet for more injections. Knowing that eating was still painful, she prepared soft millet porridge for it and fed it patiently using a syringe. Her care paid off, and by the fourth day, the swelling in the puppy’s chin had reduced even more. It regained its appetite and began eating normally, showing a particular fondness for dry dog food.

Over time, the swelling disappeared completely, and the puppy’s face returned to its normal, adorable shape. Grateful for the chance to rescue the pup during the Dragon Boat Festival, the young woman decided to name it “Duanwu.”

However, just as they thought Duanwu had fully recovered, new injuries appeared on its eyes and chin. Determined not to give up, the young woman brought the puppy back to the vet, where it underwent debridement surgery. Duanwu’s recovery was a slow process, but the young woman’s family rallied to care for it, showering it with love and attention.

Before long, Duanwu became the darling of the household, following its new family members wherever they went. It turned into a cheerful little tag-along, bringing joy to everyone around. From a scared, injured stray to a beloved companion, Duanwu’s transformation was a testament to the power of kindness.

Thanks to the young woman’s unwavering care and big heart, Duanwu found a loving owner and a warm home. This heartwarming tale reminds us of the profound impact small acts of kindness can have, proving that even the most vulnerable can thrive with love and compassion. May all kind-hearted people be blessed with peace and happiness!

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