A puppy, ravaged by an Extreme Mange, was left to battle the elements & his deteriorating health

Manali, renowned for its breathtaking views and serene atmosphere, holds a stark reality for stray dogs struggling to survive on its streets. These dogs often endure neglect, hunger, and sickness, with little attention from the bustling crowds of tourists and locals.

One such puppy was found on the outskirts of the town, ravaged by an extreme case of mange. With almost no fur left, his inflamed and scabby skin was covered in lesions, and his small, frail body appeared weak and lethargic. The rescue team at Manali Strays, who had received multiple calls about him, quickly set out to bring him to safety.

At the shelter, veterinarians confirmed that he was suffering from an advanced stage of mange. His constant itching and scratching had aggravated his condition, resulting in painful open wounds. Despite his plight, the team was determined to help him heal.

The first step was to give him a medicated bath to soothe his irritated skin. The team worked with care, gently washing his fragile body and applying topical treatments to promote healing. Afterward, they wrapped him in a warm blanket and placed him in a quiet space within the shelter to rest.

In the first week, the puppy showed small yet promising signs of improvement. His appetite slowly returned, and although he remained weak, he began eating the nutritious meals provided by the shelter.

Over time, the puppy’s condition steadily improved. His wounds started to heal, and his fur began to grow back. He transformed from a frail and sickly stray into a hopeful, lively pup.

Touched by his story, a kind family reached out to the shelter, expressing their desire to adopt him. After a thorough adoption process, the puppy was ready to leave the shelter and start a new life. The family, experienced with rescue dogs, eagerly welcomed him into their home, providing the love and care he deserved.

The puppy’s journey from suffering to joy is a testament to the resilience of animals and the power of compassion. Thanks to the efforts of Manali Strays and the kindness of his new family, he now has a bright future filled with love and security.

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