Rescue of a Dog with Severe Maggot Wound and Nerve Damage During Manali Floods

Heavy rains lashed the region, leading to severe flooding that left many in distress, including a poor stray dog. This resilient survivor, who had always managed to endure life’s hardships, was dealt an unforgiving blow by nature.

During the flood, the dog sustained a significant injury on his back. No one knew the exact cause of the wound, but being untreated and exposed to the elements, it quickly became infested with maggots. The infection spread rapidly, causing unimaginable pain. Despite his attempts to lick the wound for relief, his efforts were in vain.

A concerned citizen alerted Manali Strays about the dog’s dire condition. Recognizing the urgency, the rescue team acted swiftly. They approached the dog gently, speaking softly to gain his trust and avoid causing him further distress. After careful coaxing, they managed to bring him to their vehicle and rushed him to the clinic for immediate medical attention.

At the clinic, the team faced a daunting task. Cleaning the maggot-infested wound was a delicate process, as the maggots had burrowed deep into the tissue. The dog’s high fever indicated that the infection had spread throughout his body. The team administered medication to reduce the fever and provided fluids to rehydrate his severely weakened body.

Despite their best efforts to clean the wound, comfort him, and stabilize his condition, the dog’s health continued to deteriorate. His fever refused to subside, and his body grew too weak to combat the infection.

Throughout the night, the team worked tirelessly, hoping for a turnaround. Sadly, by dawn, the dog’s internal organs began to fail, and he passed away.

The news of his passing left the rescue team heartbroken. Although they couldn’t save his life, they ensured his final hours were spent in comfort, surrounded by care and compassion. His story serves as a somber reminder of the hardships stray animals face and the vital importance of timely intervention.

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