Dog Found in a Bad State after Eating Something Toxic

A dog was found in critical condition after consuming something toxic. She could barely stand, her body trembling uncontrollably. A concerned passerby immediately contacted the Nirbhay Foundation, whose rescue team rushed to the scene.

Upon arriving, the team quickly recognized that the dog was suffering from poisoning. They secured her and transported her to the Nirbhay Foundation Clinic for urgent treatment. The veterinarian immediately administered intravenous fluids to flush out the toxins and medications to counteract the poison. Over time, the tremors subsided, and though still weak, the dog began showing signs of recovery.

The rescue team monitored her closely over the next few hours, providing care and comfort. After a few days of dedicated treatment, she regained her strength and was back on her feet. Once fully healed, the team returned her to her familiar environment, where she lived with a group of other strays who had become her makeshift family.

In another instance, the Nirbhay Foundation was called to help a dog struck by a vehicle. The collision left his front paw severely broken. Concerned citizens brought him to the foundation, where veterinarians determined the injury was too severe to save the paw. Amputation of the leg was necessary to prevent further complications.

After surgery, the dog’s resilience shone through. With proper care, medication, and constant monitoring, he gradually adjusted to life on three legs. Over two months of recovery, he grew stronger and learned to move with newfound confidence.

Once fully rehabilitated, the dog was released back to his familiar streets. Despite the loss of his leg, his unbroken spirit and adaptability became a testament to the incredible resilience of animals. Both stories highlight the vital role of timely intervention and dedicated care in giving these strays a second chance at life.

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