Adorable Stray Puppy Rescued Having Deformed the Front Side Legs

A kind-hearted man discovered a helpless puppy lying by the roadside, too weak to move and covered in dirt and fleas. The puppy’s condition was heartbreaking—he was hungry, dirty, and visibly suffering.

The man reached out to RRSA India, who promptly took the puppy under their care and named him Dharma. Upon examination, it was clear that Dharma’s situation was critical, and he had endured prolonged suffering. He had a severe limb deformity that left him unable to walk, forcing him to drag his body to move. The cause of the deformity was uncertain—perhaps genetic, an accident, or trauma.

Dharma was taken to the RRSA India team for urgent care. While no fractures were found, his condition required long-term treatment and therapy. Admitted to the hospital, Dharma’s journey toward healing began. Though scared, in pain, and struggling with his disability, the little pup showed immense courage.

Despite not being a special breed, Dharma’s rescuers believed he deserved love and care like any other dog. Alongside medications, passive exercises were started to strengthen his muscles. Dharma endured his treatments bravely and, after two weeks of therapy, managed to stand on his own.

His progress was slow but steady. With each passing day, Dharma grew stronger under the dedicated care of the team. At the shelter, he began to feel safe and slowly adjusted to his new life. At first, he was afraid of water, but after a bath washed away layers of dirt and sand, Dharma seemed to enjoy the clean, fresh feeling.

Thanks to the kindness of many compassionate people and the team at RRSA India, Dharma’s condition steadily improved. His journey was long, but he had begun the path toward a brighter future. Today, Dharma has hope, love, and the chance to live a good life, all thanks to the efforts of those who believed in giving him a second chance.

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