Skinny And Weak, The Dog Gradually Died When His Intestines Became Clogged And Could Not Eat

Skinny And Weak, The Dog Gradually Died When His Intestines Became Clogged And Could Not Eat

Dogs with beautiful appearances are often loved and pampered. So what about those unfortunate, ugly animals? To me, any animal deserves love and respect. So as soon as I saw him this morning I immediately looked for a way to help him.

Poor dog with a thin body. All of his bones could be clearly seen imprinted into his skin. The hair falls out and smells bad. Eyes and nose are draining pus. The skin is red from being attacked by fleas and scabies. It looked so pitiful that it brought tears to my eyes. What a miserable life the dog must have gone through to cause such torment to his body.

He was very obedient and silently looked at me with confiding eyes. Quickly take him to the veterinary hospital. He was so light that I easily carried him in my arms, afraid that holding him too tightly would break his bones. The doctor started taking blood and stool samples to perform tests. Other indicators are also evaluated via computer.

When the doctor touched the animal’s belly, they immediately became serious. The poor dog starved so much that his intestines were clogged and stuck together. First, they gave it as much water as possible to reduce congestion. Meanwhile, the dog must be monitored in a cage with a special machine.

Because he was so weak and malnourished, he had to constantly receive blood transfusions. Especially obedient and cooperative with doctors. He was forced to have surgery but his health was still too weak. Let’s pray for the best things to come.

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