What This Dog Had to Endure Without Its Owner Realizing Will Leave You in Tears

What This Dog Had to Endure Without Its Owner Realizing Will Leave You in Tears

The Howard family from Seymour, Indiana consists of 24-year-old Hayden, his son, Noah, and Jackson, an English Mastiff. Jackson isn’t just a pet. He’s a part of the Howard family. Like most dogs, he loves to play in the yard and spend time with his human family.

But one day, on April 2017, something unbelievable occurred to Hayden and Noah’s beloved English Mastiff. Jackson had been roaming through the garden all weekend, but something caught Kayden’s attention. It seemed that Jackson had several odd marks on his body. But while Hayden was worried, Jackson didn’t appear to be in any discomfort, so she let the dog go about his day.

However, she couldn’t stop wondering what those marks on his body were. This wasn’t the first time Hayden had seen marks like these on Jackson, and usually they were just bug bites, which is fairly common when a dog spends time outdoors. So, she decided to wait and see if the bug bites would go away on their own. But they didn’t. In fact, they got worse and it was worrying Hayden. What if those bug bites weren’t really bug bites at all?

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