Poor Puppy Is Emaciated, Suffering Gaint Tumor That Draining All His Vitality….

Poor Puppy Is Emaciated, Suffering Gaint Tumor That Draining All His Vitality….

One night in Santa Barbara they reported this puppy to us. He has a giant tumor on his back. He was in a state of severe malnutrition, ticks and much more. His body is emaciated due to the tumor draining all its vitality. Physical and mental exhaustion left him unable to stand. However, his face was always filled with hope…

He can’t stand to eat, poor thing.

Currently he has been taken to the center, his illness is dangerous if not treated promptly, perhaps what is waiting for him is God…

With all hope, he overcame the crisis and gradually recovered, could eat and stand up, the large tumor had disappeared.

Hope the little angels in this world are happy 

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