Alla Morozova, a dedicated shelter owner in Novosibirsk, Russia, faced a heartbreaking situation when Maru, a beloved bullmastiff adopted as a puppy, was returned due to supposed allergies. Despite Alla’s policy of never giving up on her dogs, the couple insisted on returning Maru, prompting a train journey back to the shelter with an assistant.
Tragically, during the journey, Maru escaped at a station near Achinsk, overcome by fear and confusion from being abandoned. The couple, indifferent to Maru’s plight, refused to aid in the search. Alone and injured, Maru wandered through the industrial sector of Krasnoyarsk for two and a half days, surviving encounters with bears and wolves in the harsh wilderness.
Rescue workers eventually found Maru, exhausted and injured, yet determined to find her way back to the place she once called home. Despite her ordeal, Maru exhibited a strong will to survive and reunite with familiar surroundings.
Alla mobilized social media and local publications to locate Maru, eventually bringing her back to the shelter in Novosibirsk. Currently, Maru is receiving treatment for her physical injuries and emotional trauma, surrounded by the care and support of her shelter family.
Maru’s resilience and determination serve as a powerful reminder of the bond between humans and animals, and the profound impact of love and compassion in overcoming adversity. Her story resonates as a testament to the strength and loyalty of dogs, and the unwavering dedication of those who advocate for their well-being.