September 16, 2024

Owner Discards Disabled Dog In Landfill & Proves Human Brutality Is Limitless

As the video below states, humans can be brutal. When one dog owner decided he had enough of taking care of his disabled dog, he cruelly left her in a landfill in the pouring rain.

The dog had no use of her back legs. No one was sure at first what had happened to her but thankfully kind hearts prevailed just in time.

Source: HUYNH VLOG, Athen’s Story/YouTube

The dog was struggling to eat and drink. She was dehydrated and famished but couldn’t do much for herself. It was time to get her the help she desperately needed and deserved.

A rescuer, named Sonia, took her straight to a local vet clinic. She also gave her a name, Athens.

Source: HUYNH VLOG, Athen’s Story/YouTube

The vet was taken aback by the dog’s condition. She was covered in wounds and very sick from not getting adequate nutrition or medical care.

The pup was very weak but Sonia didn’t mind. She laid with her and hand-fed her. What a touching moment! While there is evil in this world, there is so much good too.

Source: HUYNH VLOG, Athen’s Story/YouTube

Sonia pledged to Athens that she would remain by her side for as long as it takes. The vet recommended physical therapy in order to strengthen her spine and legs.

In between sessions, Athens has to rest a lot but that’s okay, she’s doing great! She’s still at the vet clinic during the day and sleeps at Sonia’s at night. Sonia makes an excellent foster mom.

Source: HUYNH VLOG, Athen’s Story/YouTube

Athens’s story is still on-going but she’s doing really well. In fact, physical therapy is helping so much that she is able to stand on her own! She even took a few steps and everyone clapped for her.

It sickens us that anyone would discard a dog like this. Dogs are family and if for whatever reason, they cannot be kept, they should be rehomed. Athens deserves better and now she will get that chance!

Source: HUYNH VLOG, Athen’s Story/YouTube

To see her incredible story and uplifting ending, check it out below. And please remember to always support local rescues, shelters, and fosters.

We are so happy Athens is getting a real second chance at life thanks to Sonia and a terrific medical team.

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