September 16, 2024

Child Asks For One Precious Birthday Wish For An Emaciated Shelter Dog

He huddled in the cold with barely enough skin to cover his emaciated frame. Ethan was starving for food, medical attention, and love but was dumped in the Kentucky Humane Society’s parking lot.

A family from the area happened to be in the right place at the right time and saw the poor dog all alone on the paved lot.

Source: Kentucky Humane Society/Facebook

Since that time, over a month ago, the 32-pound dog has made amazing strides on a very touch-and-go journey. The kind folks at the Humane Society nursed Ethan to health, and a recent update reported he tips the scales at 80 pounds.

The dog would have perished if the family didn’t come along, so shelter workers decided to surprise them. The Henderson family reunited with Ethan recently to celebrate his victory.

They reported they spotted the dog on that fateful day after dropping off a toy donation to the humane society. They thought the dog was dead at first, but they acted fast and called shelter workers for help.

Each passing day brought Ethan one step closer to recovery, as he gained many fans on social media thanks to status updates.

Source: Kentucky Humane Society/Facebook

Regarding the happy reunion between Ethan and the Henderson family, the Kentucky Humane Society posted a Facebook update, which stated, “They have been following Ethan’s progress every day since then. A few days ago, Tatum’s grandmother reached out to ask if her grandson could meet Ethan now that he is healthy. We couldn’t agree more and arranged a meeting so Ethan could say a proper “thank you” to Tatum and his family.”

Source: Kentucky Humane Society/Facebook

Since Tatum will be turning 12 years old soon, they gave the child a “Team Ethan” shirt and a thank you card signed with Ethan’s pawprint. Congratulations to everyone who helped this precious pooch to a new life!

H/T: People Pets

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