September 16, 2024

Woman Pulled Over To Bury Dog, As She Neared She Thought The Dog Had Moved

As two women were driving down the road, they spotted a lifeless dog lying there. They pulled over with every intention of giving her a proper burial.

Every rib showed on her poor little body. One of the women made her way over to her and got the shock of a lifetime. The dog lifted her head.

Source: The Dodo Foster Diaries, Sophie’s Story/YouTube

They knew they had to get her to the vet immediately. The dog stood up but something was very wrong, besides her being weak and emaciated. She didn’t respond to much of anything.

Once at the vet, she didn’t even acknowledge the bowl of food in front of her. She circled around as if she had no idea where she was.

Source: The Dodo Foster Diaries, Sophie’s Story/YouTube

It was confirmed by the vet that the poor pup was both deaf and blind. It wasn’t just that the dog was deaf and blind, she was totally shut down.

In the video below, she’s described as “a shell of a dog.” And seeing her like this was totally heart-wrenching.

Source: The Dodo Foster Diaries, Sophie’s Story/YouTube

The woman who bonded to her instantly, named Scarlett, decided to foster the pup. She brought her home when the vet said it was okay.

Once in her foster home, the dog just laid on the couch. Scarlet curled up with her so she knew she wasn’t alone. She named the brave dog Sophie.

Source: The Dodo Foster Diaries, Sophie’s Story/YouTube

Sophie was only comfortable going outside. She had lived for so long on the streets that being inside a home was too foreign to her.

Scarlett worked so hard to motivate Sophie. It took a week, and a lot of love, but Sophie did begin to change. When Scarlet held her, her whole body would relax.

Source: The Dodo Foster Diaries, Sophie’s Story/YouTube

To see Sophie wag her tail a couple of weeks later was the biggest victory. Scarlett could finally see that this dog was ready to fight for her life.

The true testament came soon after. Sophie began to show interest in Scarlett’s other dogs. She was suddenly into playtime and couldn’t get enough of her new canine friends.

Source: The Dodo Foster Diaries, Sophie’s Story/YouTube

Another big change was about to come! Scarlett lives near a beach. To get to the water, they have to cross a small river. Sophie was too scared to cross it and Scarlett always had to carry her.

But then one day, Sophie ran away from Scarlett with her tail wagging. She playfully trotted about as if to say, “I got this!” And the brave dog crossed the river all by herself.

Source: The Dodo Foster Diaries, Sophie’s Story/YouTube

With a healthy diet, lots of love, and excellent medications, Sophie’s sense of smell became heightened and she could also visually see certain shadows.

As she became more and more playful, she was able to really enjoy herself. This made her foster mom so happy and so proud. Sophie is still with her foster mom and getting stronger every day!

We can’t wait to see what happens next. Thanks to The Dodo, you can check out Sophie’s rescue story below.

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