September 19, 2024

They Forced Over 40 Dogs Into Filthy Cramped Cages & Made Them To Fight

Dogfighting is an inhumane “blood sport” where innocent dogs are bred and conditioned to fight for others’ entertainment and profit. The Humane Society says fights can average one to two hours or when one of the dogs can longer continue fighting. Sadly, dogfighting is all too common, so concerned citizens and animal lovers should always report suspected dogfighters.

Source: Daytona Beach Police Department/Facebook

Thanks to Volusia County’s Animal Services Division, Halifax Humane Society, the City of Daytona Beach’s Animal Control Unit, the city’s Code Enforcement Division, and the Daytona Beach Police Department (DBPD), three Daytona Beach residents have been arrested for running an alleged dogfighting ring. The charges came after the department served a search warrant on the property recently.

Source: Daytona Beach Police Department/Facebook

According to an official press release, more than 40 dogs were seized in the bust, as officers found 24 adult Pit Bulls and 18 puppies. “Most of them being kept outside in small kennels made of wood and wire, car carriers or chained to car axles with little or no access to clean water or food. Many of the females were breeding new puppies for fighting.”

Source: Daytona Beach Police Department/Facebook

Those animals with access to shelter sat caked in urine and feces and wore collars so tight that they had to be cut off.

Many of the dogs showed clear evidence of dogfighting behavior, including healing wounds and cuts all over their bodies.

Police arrested 53-year-old Noble Geathers, 50-year-old Earl Holmes, and 33-year-old Benjamin Ponder in conjunction with the crimes.

Source: Daytona Beach Police Department/Facebook

The arresting department shared, “A court forfeiture hearing later this week could determine if those dogs will be returned to the defendants or if they will be awarded to the police department.” Thankfully, if that happens, the dogs could be signed over for potential adoption in the future.


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