September 16, 2024

Senior Dog Too Old To Matter Was Pushed Out And Collapsed From Exhaustion

When a senior dog, later named Grandpa Roly (we will call him Roly for short), was found, he was so tired that he had collapsed on the sidewalk.

He must have been wandering the streets to the point of exhaustion. The kind human who found him gave him some water and made a phone call to a local rescue.

What stunned the rescuer when she showed up was how clean Roly was. He didn’t have a single tick on him, nor fleas. He wasn’t underweight. It seemed that he even received adequate medical care. All of his issues were that of a senior dog.

So what exactly happened? Was it possible that Roly had run away or was accidentally separated from his loving family? The rescuers were on the case!

Source: AnimalSTEP Official/YouTube

Roly was taken to the shelter and given a thorough exam. He had some issues with his hips but other than that he was in good health.

Roly’s rescuers took his photo and posted his information on social media. They also made several phone calls to the police station and local veterinary clinics. If someone was missing this dog, they would hopefully be reunited soon.

Source: AnimalSTEP Official/YouTube

In the meantime, Roly was such a good boy! He was snuggly and friendly. He was happy to eat and welcomed his new human friends with such grace. He was grateful to be indoors where he was safe.

Roly’s rescuers checked their social media page and continued to follow up with vet clinics and police. No one came forward for Roly.

Source: AnimalSTEP Official/YouTube

In fact, the police were certain that he was abandoned by the very family who had loved him. It seemed to be a growing trend in the area.

Once dogs aged and their health began to fail, dogs like Roly are often rejected by the people who are supposed to love them the most.

It’s devastating and cruel. Roly wasn’t just a dog without a home, he was a victim of unthinkable circumstances.

Source: AnimalSTEP Official/YouTube

Roly’s rescuers made him a promise. They told him that he would never be rejected or abandoned again.

Senior dogs are very hard to place and the shelter workers are realistic but they hope, somewhere out there will be the perfect home for Roly.

A home where he can relish in his golden years and live out his days as any dog should… being loved.

Source: AnimalSTEP Official/YouTube

We are so grateful Grandpa Roly was found in time and that he is now safe. We desperately hope he finds a loving home. As for the family who abandoned him, shame on them! All dogs deserve better than this!

To see Roly’s touching rescue, and his happy, smiling face, check out the video below.

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