September 19, 2024

Stud Confined In Puppy Mill His Whole Life Gets First Whiff Of Human Decency

It is a sad reality: puppy mills still exist. Oftentimes puppy mills go under the radar as reputable breeders that sell puppies online. Families have no idea where their puppies are actually coming from.

The pups are pictured on websites looking all cute, seemingly healthy and happy, and folks just assume they are living in loving environments. The reality is, their parents aren’t living like they are.

The dogs used to breed these puppies are living in despicable conditions. Jordan was one of those dogs. He was used as a stud to breed adorable pups for profit in Georgia.

His “owner” was supposedly one of the reputable breeders that could be trusted but instead, this is where he housed his dogs (photo below).

Source: The Dodo/YouTube

Yes, that is what Jordan’s home looked like. Organizations, like Releash Atlanta, do all they can to shut these places down. When Jordan’s “home” was finally seized and he was taken in, he had no idea what it was like to be a dog.

He wasn’t housebroken. He had no clue how to interact with people or other animals. He spent years isolated in a cage completely neglected.

Source: The Dodo/YouTube

But Jordan became one of the lucky ones. While authorities and rescue groups try to shut down as many puppy mills as possible, they still continue to pop up. It’s an ongoing, exhausting battle.

Jordan was taken into a foster home with foster mom Melissa. Melissa had to teach him everything there was to know about being a dog. From the ground up!

Source: The Dodo/YouTube

But Jordan was reluctant. He was skittish and unsure of himself. He also couldn’t get the hang of consistently going to the bathroom outside. Even eating meals was awkward for Jordan.

But slowly, with persistence, Jordan made some progress. Melissa was realistic, however. She wanted to find Jordan a forever home but it had to be the perfect fit and finding the perfect fit for a dog like Jordan would not be easy.

Source: The Dodo/YouTube

Finally, a retired married couple named Ann and Kinney saw Jordan’s photo online. They immediately knew that this dog belonged with them. They filled out an application and forwarded it to Releash Atlanta and Melissa.

Melissa read their application and finally had hope for Jordan. The couple was home all day, they were patient and mild-mannered and they already had a rescue dog named Bella. If any family was a perfect fit for Jordan, they were it!

Source: The Dodo/YouTube

Ann and Kinney, and their dog Bella, were approved to adopt Jordan. They made the long drive to come and pick him up. The anticipation was excruciating. Especially for Melissa.

What if they met Jordan in person and saw for themselves that he wasn’t like other dogs? What if they felt he didn’t belong with them or what if their dog Bella didn’t take to Jordan? There was a lot to consider.

Source: The Dodo/YouTube

Ann and Kinney walked up to the front door and Melissa and Jordan were there to greet them. It was time to see if this family would become official. Jordan’s rescue, in itself, is a total miracle.

His story after his rescue is one you cannot miss! To see for yourself how Jordan’s life turns out, check out the wonderful video by The Dodo below. It’s a must-see!

Source: The Dodo/YouTube

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