September 19, 2024

Man Dumps His Pit Bull Outside A Store, Then Lies Through His Teeth And Leaves

Trap the Pit Bull was dumped outside a store on Brooklyn Street by his owner, who had no idea that a hidden camera bore witness to his vile action.

The man tied Trap outside the store and shamelessly walked inside the store to declare that somebody had abandoned a dog.

He was then seen sending a picture of the tied up Trap, like he was notifying someone he had gotten rid of him.

Source: The Dodo/YouTube

Trap was extremely confused after being left behind. His tail wags and affectionate body language indicated that he trusted and loved his owner.

He desperately began looking left and right into the street, almost begging every passerby to help him find his dad. Eventually, the storeowner reached out to a rescue to ensure Trap’s safety.

While Trap was rescued soon after, he seemed very anxious and shut off in the company of other humans. His severe muscle atrophy and hip dysplasia made him look like a senior dog when he was just 4 years old. When the shelter did some background check for Trap, they were further disturbed.

Source: The Dodo/YouTube

As it turns out, Trap was taken in as a sick wandering “stray” by a shelter just a year prior, but his owner returned to claim him back then. But over the year, Trap’s medical issues worsened.

He developed neurological issues, his teeth began rotting away due to neglect and he was at risk of sepsis. But instead of getting him the help he needed, his owner discarded him and left him at the mercy of his fate.

Source: The Dodo/YouTube

The video below focuses on Trap’s predicament after his rescue. He was mentally traumatized and in massive pain from putting his weight on his forelegs all the time.

Even so, he chose kindness and embraced his foster mom with gratitude. Watching this 90-lb giant boy going about like a “lap dog” toward the video’s end truly made our day!

Click the video below to watch Trap being consumed by anxiety after his owner abandons him so nonchalantly.

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