September 19, 2024

Poor Couple With Rusty Crate Bangs On Door Of Wealthy House That Hid Sick Dog

It is our duty to our pets, no matter the circumstances, to provide them with love, comfort, adequate nutrition, and medical care.

This isn’t an optional thing yet there are many people out there that neglect their family members. When good people finally intervene, that is when we can celebrate.

One little dog had been living a painful existence. He had mange and secondary skin infections that went untreated for a long time.

Because he had hair instead of fur, this only made his situation worse causing massive matting in the places he didn’t lose his hair. His poor body was so uncomfortable.

Source: AnimalSTEP Official/YouTube

His owners did nothing to help him. They hid him away in their yard and did as little for him as possible. The crazy thing is, they had plenty of money to treat him!

Finally, a neighbor heard the dog crying and stepped in to help. At first, the dog’s owners fought the neighbor, and argued that the dog would be just fine on his own but the neighbor did not accept that.

She brought her husband by and the two of them, with some appropriate words, told the family straight out that they were abusing their dog.

Source: AnimalSTEP Official/YouTube

The selfish family finally handed the dog over. The poor boy looked defeated. His skin infections were so bad that his whole body was weak.

The kind neighbors didn’t have much money so they borrowed a rusty crate from a friend. They raced the dog over to a nearby vet clinic. The dog was scared but he finally settled down once he realized these people were there to help him!

The vet and his staff were happy that the dog was brought in because he desperately needed help.

The first order of business was to shave the remaining hair off of his body so they could treat his skin as thoroughly as possible. They gave him an IV with fluids and pain medication, as well as antibiotics. The dog was so brave!

Source: AnimalSTEP Official/YouTube

He would need daily medicated baths and topical antibiotic cream as well as oral antibiotics. Once the infections were under control, he would feel so much better.

Because he was now hairless, they made sure he had little shirts to wear to keep him nice and warm. He showed them all how much better he was doing when he happily ate his first meal. YUM!

Source: AnimalSTEP Official/YouTube

While the dog remained at the vet clinic for treatment, the kind neighbors who brought him in checked on him every single day.

They already loved the dog and told the vet and his staff that once he was medically cleared, that they would like to officially adopt him and bring him home. The vet made sure to let the dog’s former owners know that this pup would NOT be returning to them.

Source: AnimalSTEP Official/YouTube

The adoption was approved and within a few weeks, the dog was healthy enough to go to his new forever home with a family who intended on taking excellent care of him.

They had other dogs and all of them got along perfectly. We couldn’t be happier for the deserving pup and his new family.

To see his rescue and recovery, check out the video below. We are so happy these kind people intervened when they did!

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