After surviving a harrowing ordeal where he saved his owner’s life during a home invasion, Kiko the heroic bull faced another challenge—finding a place to call home himself. Forced to part ways with his owner due to circumstances beyond their control, Kiko found refuge with Mighty Mutts, a dedicated rescue organization in New York City.
Despite being older and deaf, Kiko’s spirit remained resilient as Mighty Mutts tirelessly searched for the perfect home to suit his unique needs. Jill Hines from Mighty Mutts expressed, “We’ve been deeply involved with Kiko for over a year and a half, and it’s incredibly heartening to see him finally find his place.”
Kiko’s story caught the attention of a compassionate couple who knew they could provide the perfect home for him after reading about him on The Dodo. On a Thursday evening, they joyously welcomed Kiko into their lives, fulfilling his long-awaited dream of a forever home. The Mighty Mutts community celebrated his adoption with warm wishes, acknowledging the couple’s commitment to Kiko’s well-being.
Casey Ryan, Kiko’s foster mother and a true hero in his journey, shared her sentiments before his adoption, describing him as a “wonderful senior bull who deserves a loving and pampered forever home.”
Mighty Mutts continues its mission, relying on foster families like Casey to provide temporary care and love to rescued dogs until they find their permanent homes in bustling New York City. Kiko’s tale stands as a testament to resilience, hope, and the transformative power of finding love and security, even in the face of adversity.