They Reject Her Because She Was Born Without Eyes And Consider Sacrificing Her Because She Didn’t Deserve Anyone’s Love

They Reject Her Because She Was Born Without Eyes And Consider Sacrificing Her Because She Didn’t Deserve Anyone’s Love

Preciosa, a Chihuahua born with unique challenges, faced a bleak start to life. Her owners initially noticed her slightly enlarged head and unusual eyes but chose to neglect her. They planned to end her life, convinced no one would adopt a pup with such issues.

However, fate intervened when Dina Severniches Lemos, a compassionate woman, heard about Preciosa’s plight. Learning that the pup was slated for euthanasia due to her disabilities, Dina stepped in without hesitation.

“An acquaintance told us about a dog with unopened eyes and an oversized skull. They were going to put her down, believing she would only ‘suffer’,” recounted Dina.

Despite Preciosa’s challenges—her eyes never fully developing and her difficulties navigating due to her head size—Dina provided the care and love she needed. With patience, Preciosa learned to navigate her surroundings, overcoming initial clumsiness to become a spirited and joyful puppy.

Every puppy, regardless of their challenges, deserves a chance at a happy life. It’s unjust when breeders or owners choose to discard those born different instead of offering them the love and care they deserve.

Preciosa’s story is a reminder to advocate for animals with special needs, ensuring they too find loving homes where they can thrive. Let’s share her journey to inspire others to see beyond disabilities and embrace the beauty in every life.

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