September 19, 2024

Two Stray Dogs In Parking Lot Wag Their Tails At Everyone In The Hopes Of Being Adopted

A pair of scared, starving, stray dogs were recently found wandering a fast-food restaurant parking lot. The two pups had nothing and were living in the parking lot crying for someone to help. They begged many passers-by, but nobody seemed to care.

That is, until 18-year-old Destiny Vasquez spotted one of them, got out her cell phone and took a video which set off a chain of events that would forever change their lives.

Jessica Marin

Destiny Vasquez was waiting in line at a drive-thru in Brownsville, Texas when she spotted a pup all alone in the restaurant’s parking lot. She was immediately overwhelmed by compassion for the pup and called her mother crying.

Jessica Marin

Vasquez explained to her mother that she had to save the poor pup, she just couldn’t leave it there and her mother Jessica Marin, agreed. Marin, herself has saved many stray dogs from the streets of South Texas, so she instantly jumped into action, racing over to the parking lot.

Jessica Marin

After speaking with a few of the restaurant’s employees, Marin discovered that the poor pups had in fact been living together in the parking lot for weeks — she could not believe they had been suffering for so long.

Jessica Marin

After posting the plea on Facebook it soon reached Ana Teran, a volunteer for Animal Aid Brigade in Houston, who was devastated to hear about the poor dogs’ plight. Teran immediately rented a car and drove all the way from Houston to Brownsville to collect the pups.

Jessica Marin

When the pups met Teran, they very happy and excited. They didn’t seem scared of her and were just excited to see what would happen next.

Jessica Marin

After getting the pups safely onboard, Teran decided to make a few more stops and rescue some more dogs before heading back.

Jessica Marin

Once they back in Houston, Teran decided to become the parking-lot-pups’ new foster mom. She named them Patty and Pepper, and the pair were thrilled to get to live with her

The pups are sweet and affectionate and like to stick close to each other. They are clearly very bonded and love each other deeply.

Jessica Marin

Patty and Pepper will forever be grateful to  Teran and enjoy every minute they get with her, but they are also excited to start the next chapter in their life; soon, the pair will be ready for adoption, and will finally get their very own forever family!

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