September 19, 2024

Baby Stuck In Dog’s Birth Canal Nearly Kills Her, Man Raced To Deliver The Rest

In an impoverished city, a stray mother dog had gone into labor all by herself. The puppy was stillborn and became stuck in the birth canal. In pain, the mama dog cried out.

Thankfully a caring neighbor heard her sobbing and called Animal Aid, an animal rescue organization that helps strays in need. They promised to send volunteers immediately knowing the dog could lose her life.

When the volunteer arrived, he saw the mother dog laying on the ground. The puppy, still in its sack, had made it impossible for her to move. She was panting heavily.

The volunteer knew he had to pick the dog up and get her into the clinic as fast as possible. If there were other babies inside, they had to be delivered quickly.

Source: Animal Aid Unlimited, Apricot’s Story/YouTube

The rescuer named the dog Apricot. He put her into his vehicle and drove as fast as he could. Once they were back at the clinic, Apricot was examined. Her contractions had stopped.

The vet knew she had other puppies inside her after conducting an ultrasound. They had no choice but to perform a c-section. Apricot was put under heavy sedation. It was time to deliver her other babies.

Source: Animal Aid Unlimited, Apricot’s Story/YouTube

The vet delivered six puppies in total. It was pretty amazing to see. Apricot soon woke up from sedation and welcomed her new family. The puppies all appeared healthy and nursed right away.

Apricot was happy to have a meal too. Another Animal Aid volunteer stayed with the family through the night. It was important that they were monitored in case anything happened.

Source: Animal Aid Unlimited, Apricot’s Story/YouTube

While all six puppies did appear healthy, soon three of them got very sick. This is a common occurrence and sadly no treatment worked.

None of the puppies suffered as they crossed the Rainbow Bridge. Although Apricot grieved her loss, she still had three puppies to care for and knew she had to be strong for them.

Source: Animal Aid Unlimited, Apricot’s Story/YouTube

The puppies and Apricot flourished! Apricot was spayed a few weeks later before returning home. She and her pups joined their dad back in their neighborhood.

What many of us don’t understand, because we live here, is that many countries, like India, have more strays than we can imagine. It is impossible to home them all.

Animal Aid intervenes as much as possible through donations. They bring food and medical care to the stray community while kind people, who do not have much money to even feed themselves, look out for the dogs.

Source: Animal Aid Unlimited, Apricot’s Story/YouTube

Apricot, her babies and their dad are all living happily. Animal Aid volunteers continue to check on Apricot and the puppies and make sure they were well-cared for and healthy.

We are so grateful that Apricot was rescued in time. To see the full story, check it out below.

We realize it is upsetting that some of her babies didn’t make it but it is miraculous that she and her remaining babies did survive!

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