September 19, 2024

Fractured Street Dog Still Nursed And Loved Her Babies As Best She Could

A mother’s love is so strong that nothing can stand in the way. This story is proof of that. When a stray dog was badly injured by a car, she still took excellent care of her puppies.

Even though her leg was fractured and walking wasn’t just difficult– it was nearly impossible– she still continued to follow her puppies around and made sure they were fed and cared for.

The streets are a challenging place. Especially when there are busy roads with speeding cars. Dogs are forced to cross those streets in order to find food, water, and adequate shelter.

Many are hit and left with devastating injuries. In impoverished areas, strays run rampant– and many are left to carry on despite being wounded.

Source: AnimalSTEP Official/YouTube

When this mama dog was spotted by a rescue group, she still nursed her pups even though sitting down was painful. She never pushed them away, which was quite amazing since puppies are rejected all the time!

Mama still kept her two puppies clean with her kisses and followed them when they scurried around despite her leg being fractured in multiple places.

Source: AnimalSTEP Official/YouTube

Rescuers finally picked up the little family and brought them to their clinic. The vet took x-rays and knew that Mama needed surgery. This was expensive and the rescue group had to pool all their resources together in order to pay for it.

Through donations, Mama received her surgery the next day. The pups were watched over by volunteers and were so well-behaved.

Source: AnimalSTEP Official/YouTube

The surgery was successful and Mama never complained. Even when she was groggy and in pain, despite being on pain medication, she was a total trooper!

It amazed her new human friends that she was so warm and friendly even though she had spent her entire life on the street being passed by and ignored.

Source: AnimalSTEP Official/YouTube

Once Mama was in recovery, and her leg was in a cast, her puppies were brought over to her. They were so happy to see that their mom was safe.

She gave them kisses and they curled up against her body. The little family slept while volunteers stayed the night.

Source: AnimalSTEP Official/YouTube

Soon it was time for Mama and her babies to go to a foster home. She will spend some time there while recovering and then she and her puppies will be available for adoption.

We pray they find loving homes. Their lives on the street are forever in the past thanks to kind rescuers.

To see their full story, check it out below. Thank you to all those who saved this precious family.

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