September 19, 2024

Sick Shelter Pit Bull Captures 2-Year-Old Girl’s Heart

When adopting a dog, many people would be reluctant to consider a pooch who was sick or injured. Vets bills can be pricey and the sad truth is that many people simply cannot afford to take on one of these animals.

Heartbreakingly, this results in lots of sick dogs spending their whole lives in shelters because nobody wants them.

But when a kind woman took her two-year-old daughter to a shelter, her daughter’s reaction was so beautiful to see. The little girl instantly fell in love with a sick pit bull and was determined to take him home.

The girl’s mother captured the beautiful moment on camera and it’s a joy to watch.

Source: The Dodo/YouTube

The adorable video was shared onto YouTube by The Dodo and has a whopping 11.2 million views and 149k likes, as people just couldn’t get over how sweet it was.

The girl’s mom narrates the video as she tells the story of how her little girl Gee came to fall in love with their pit bull, Scarlett.

As the pair head to the shelter, Gee’s mom takes out her phone and decides to film the moment that the sweet girl comes face-to-face with the dogs. But as soon as they entered the room, Gee was instantly drawn toward one dog, and she set her heart on having her.

“She pointed to the dog at the back,” Gee’s mom said. “My daughter wanted to meet her more than any other dog at the shelter today.”

Source: The Dodo/YouTube

Apparently, the pit bull was in a bad way.

She didn’t have a name, ‘stunk like mange’ and had ‘snot running from her nose.’ But Gee didn’t care. She could see that the pit bull would be a great friend for her, and that’s all that mattered. She sat by the kennel and looked in as Scarlett gazed back with curious eyes. Apparently, Gee began to ask her mom to release Scarlett from her cage.

“She said ‘mommy, that one,’ she asked me to ‘let the doggy out. Need help.’”

So the pit bull was let out from her kennel and Gee was able to walk her for the first time! It was a scary experience for Scarlett, and at first, she panicked and refused to walk. But with Gee’s love and patience, Scarlett eventually began to walk.

Source: The Dodo/YouTube

Gee and Scarlett were soon getting on like a house on fire.

Gee’s mom said:

“I watched this beautiful dog melt into Gee’s hands. She would not let my daughter leave her side. Wherever she went, Gee went. Gee even wiped the dog’s runny nose and eyes with her dress.”

Eventually, Scarlett was placed back into her kennel and she immediately began to shake uncontrollably again. But sweet little Gee refused to leave her. She repeatedly looked at her mommy and said ‘doggy sick. Need help.’ So Gee’s mom decided to give the pit bull a chance, and Scarlett came home with them.

Source: The Dodo/YouTube

Since Scarlett has been home, she’s now ‘feeling much better’ and still won’t let Gee out of her sight. Gee gives Scarlett plenty of hugs, kisses, and belly rubs and the pair have formed a beautiful bond.

If this story has taught us anything, it’s that we should be more like little Gee and choose with love. You just never know what beautiful friendship could form as a result! Watch the adorable video below.

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